What is Pelvic Health Physical Therapy?

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is a specialized niche of orthopedic physical therapy.  Pelvic health therapists receive additional training for pelvic health evaluation and treatment, and are uniquely qualified to solve for musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems in the pelvic region.  

What to expect during your visits.

Your first visit will include a thorough assessment of your medical and pelvic health history.  In addition, adult pelvic health clients can expect an internal vaginal and/or rectal pelvic health evaluation (no speculum!  no stirrups!).  Internal evaluation and treatment, performed only with your permission, may be completed in multiple positions in order to get the best picture of, and outcome for, your clinical concern. 

All clients can expect education regarding your pelvic floor and any findings during the visit.  We will develop a plan to address your concerns.  Further treatment or home program recommendations will be built in collaboration with you.

Is therapy painful or scary?

Sometimes people are nervous about addressing these personal issues.  That is normal, BUT, therapy itself is NOT painful or scary!  The environment is intentionally built to encourage comfort (part of what sets Pelvic Perspective apart from traditional layouts!), and, there are no exams or treatments without your consent.  When therapy centers around your comfort, you can feel safe in your healing.  You are free to discuss any concerns before or during your visits.